How to Use voting booth in a Sentence
voting booth
In the voting booth, women still have the right to choose.
—Jenny Goldsberry, Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government, 31 Oct. 2024
Bring your child who is 15 and younger with you in the voting booth.
—Sabrina Moreno, Axios, 5 Nov. 2024
To this end, Vance also saw a lever to pull inside the voting booth.
—Jessica Winter, The New Yorker, 25 July 2024
Laws about taking photos in the voting booth vary widely across the United States.
—Allison Kiehl, The Tennessean, 5 Nov. 2024
When Dawn Moore was growing up, her parents took her into the voting booth.
—Abigail Gruskin, Baltimore Sun, 8 May 2024
Specifically, they are allowed to have a helper of their choice assist them in the voting booth.
—Eugene R. Schnitzler, Chicago Tribune, 5 Nov. 2024
But getting them to the voting booth may be more difficult this year than ever.
—Morgan Radford, NBC News, 3 July 2024
That might have been what late deciders were carrying with them into the voting booth.
—Jim Sergent, USA TODAY, 8 Nov. 2024
Instead, Teeny goes into the voting booth and takes her sweet old time casting her vote.
—Brian Moylan, Vulture, 11 Dec. 2024
But, Scott said, a change in state law now prohibits people from bringing a vote-by-mail ballot into the voting booth.
—Anthony Man, Sun Sentinel, 25 Oct. 2024
Darling Allen told her to submit her questions in writing, then showed her to a voting booth to cast her ballot.
—Hailey Branson-Potts, Los Angeles Times, 8 Nov. 2023
What to expect: Outside of the music, there's the Renegade Craft Fair, a vinyl record fair, a kids zone and a nonpartisan voting booth.
—Moyo Adeolu, Axios, 18 July 2024
Imagine walking into the voting booth and looking at the ballot.
—Jonathan Shorman, Kansas City Star, 7 June 2024
First, officials play the National Anthem; then the voters walk one by one to the town’s single voting booth.
—Chris Morris, Fortune, 5 Nov. 2024
After the national anthem was played, all six voters walked one-by-one into the voting booth.
—Kelsey Walsh, ABC News, 23 Jan. 2024
Voters mark their ballots in a private voting booth and then it is scanned as it's being deposited in the ballot box, with the votes being tallied at the end of the day.
—Leah Sarnoff, ABC News, 31 Oct. 2024
You must be registered to vote before stepping into the voting booth.
—Allie Volpe, Vox, 8 Oct. 2024
Fashion has been out trying to prod Americans toward the voting booth.
—Evan Clark, WWD, 5 Nov. 2024
But alone in the voting booth, many Ohioans will be reviewing the amendment language for the first time—and likely not thinking to look around for alternative phrasing on a poster.
—Sarah Stankorb, The New Republic, 6 Sep. 2023
Voters who get to make the final call in the voting booth will be offered a 90-minute window into what is real and what is spin about their major-party choices.
—Marianne Levine, Washington Post, 24 June 2024
The response underscores the depth of Trump’s continued influence over his party and the power of the former president’s base over those who might want to beat him in the voting booth.
—Jess Bidgood,, 20 Mar. 2023
How that nets out as people enter the voting booth is the stuff political scientists and campaign strategists alike will study for years ahead.
—Neil Irwin, Axios, 4 Nov. 2024
Americans could even take these frustrations to the voting booth come November.
—Tribune News Service, The Mercury News, 17 Sep. 2024
Some of my earliest memories are of my mom bringing me into the voting booth to help her vote for candidates and propositions.
—Jurnee Smollett, Vogue, 12 Dec. 2024
In Wisconsin, there is same-day voter registration at the voting booth on Election Day.
—Drake Bentley, Journal Sentinel, 30 May 2024
People who are challenged at the voting booth may also cast a provisional ballot.
—Hayleigh Colombo, The Indianapolis Star, 18 Oct. 2024
So keeping the hope is about taking those actions, demanding those changes, acting accordingly in the voting booth.
—Harper's BAZAAR, 28 Apr. 2023
In 2020, when in-person voting was less possible because of the pandemic, Kesselring made her own voting booth and started staying up late to watch the debates and election returns.
—Karissa Waddick, USA TODAY, 19 Jan. 2024
While Florida has some of the strictest laws in the country against people convicted of felonies voting, Trump’s hush money conviction did not disqualify him from the voting booth.
—Ashleigh Fields, The Hill, 5 Nov. 2024
Remembering where the world, and our respective governments, fell short during this crisis is a valuable directive to carry with you to the voting booth.
—Ginni Saraswati, Rolling Stone, 5 May 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'voting booth.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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